Formation M.E.R. Monitor Rock Climbing

From 19/05/2016 to 22/05/2016 from 09:00 at 18:00

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Formation M.E.R. Monitor Rock Climbing, levels I y II

The CCM has started 2015 a so-called technical training program M.E.R. Monitor Rock Climbing, which seeks to standardize the technical expertise needed to develop sports and professionally as monitor Rock Climbing, from theory to the highest requirements of rescue in the worst circumstances that this recreational activity could lead by their nature ; This course focuses on 03 different participatory and approving training levels, which will last 04 days divided into 08 academic hours each day, respectively for each level, which are designed to provide all the knowledge, skills, training needed to cope optimally in the field. Under a demanding regimen participants will receive training, training and qualification for certification that accredits it as Technical Monitor Rock Climbing M.E.R. at different levels I, II, III.